Moodle tuultes

Kuna HTM lõpetas teenuse pakkumise mitteriiklikele asutustele, siis onn viimased kuud läinud Moodle kolimistoe pakkumise tähe all.

Muu hulgas sai loodud vastavad logimise / registreerimise pluginad Moodlele:

Lisaks täiendatud customcert pluginat, et oleks võimalik tunnistusele lisada tunnistuse järjekorranumber:

Since the HTM stopped offering theMoodle as SaaS to non-state institutions, the last few months have been marked by the provision of Moodle moving support.

Among other things, the corresponding login/registration plugins for Moodle were created:

In addition, the customcert plugin has been upgraded to allow the inclusion of a certificate serial number on the certificate: